Most disease begins in the gut and good health begins there too.
Scientists know that healthy bacteria in the gut aids digestion. In the last several years, studies have shown how people can help their flora flourish. This improves not only symptoms of gastrointestinal discomfort but overall health.
Taking probiotics in the form of supplements are good for the gut. However, researchers have found that probiotics consumed in the form of fermented foods and drinks, the way that nature intended fare better in the stomach.
These foods have been around for centuries and while our ancestors may have enjoyed their taste, they probably didn’t realize how well they aided their health.
Fermented foods like tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut, miso and pickles help populate the gut with the so called “good bacteria.” Since I enjoy spicy food kimchi happens to be one of my favorite ferments. I do make my own fermented vegetables (pictured above). If you don’t want to go to the trouble of making your own, no worries, you can find them in plenty of grocery stores or Farmers Markets.
These foods with their naturally formed healthy bacteria help maintain digestive health by keeping diarrhea and constipation at bay. Drinks such a kombucha and kefir help restore the flora as well. There are so many flavors of kombucha you are sure to find some that you enjoy.
In addition to gut health, fermented foods and drinks help with overall inflammation, brain fog and memory, acne and other inflammations of the skin like eczema and psoriasis. Regular consumption can improve mood and sleep quality and improve the ability to fight infection, reduce heartburn, aid in nutrient absorption and keep weight under control.
Healthy gut bacteria thrive on pre-biotic foods. Prebiotic foods are like fuel for good bacteria. They have certain fibrous carbohydrates that nourish the good bacteria to help it to grow. This process is our defense system against toxins. Some pre-biotic foods you should considering adding to your diet include onions, garlic, root vegetables and artichokes.
Creating an environment for a healthy gut to thrive is paramount to a healthy life. Add pre-biotic and pro-biotic foods and drinks to your diet to see how much better your overall health can be.
Enjoy a great day,